Welcome to the Spatial Synoptic Classification webpage!

This website describes the Spatial Synoptic Classification (v3.0), which was developed in late 2019.

The SSC is one of the most widely used daily weather-type classification schemes, in which each day is classified into one of several weather types based on surface observationsal data. On this website, SSC "calendars" are available for over 3600 stations globally (see map below).

More information on the SSC, its history and use, can be found linked on the left.

These data are free to be used in research, as long as proper citation is given. These data may not be used for commercial purposes. If you have any questions, comments, or notice any errors, please e-mail me. Thanks!

Stations are colored by percentage of days available since 2000: over 90% (blue), 80-90% (green), under 80% (red).